What is a Streak?
Your Streak is a count of your learning activity and progress on Fender Play over time.
How do I maintain my Streak?
Maintain your Streak count by practicing with Fender Play at least once every 7 days. Your Streak count will increase by 1 for each local calendar day you visit Fender Play (at the beginning of the session).
Where can I see my Streak?
Your Streak count is visible at the top right of your screen.
What happens if I lose my Streak?
Your Streak count will be reset to 1 when you log back in.
What happens to the Streaks I’ve already built up?
You should truly have a sense of pride and accomplishment for the time you’ve spent devoted to learning a new skill. The new Streaks functionality simplifies and improves how Streaks are tracked and displayed and can help you stay motivated! The update requires a reset of any existing Streaks to 1. However, Streaks are now easier to achieve, so build them back up!
What do I get for maintaining my Streak?
While we’re removing the Giveaway aspect from Streaks, this update will allow you to see your practice count tick up and help track your progress. We believe this is a powerful intrinsic motivator.
This update was a first step towards adding some additional motivators like awards and prizes for your Streak count in the future. Stay tuned!
What happened to the Giveaway?
With this update, the weekly giveaway is no longer tied to Streaks. See information on the new giveaway here.
My Streak count doesn’t seem to be tracked properly?
If your Streak count is not being counted properly, please reach out to support at https://support.fender.com/en-US/contact-play/